In Focus: August 9 - 15

Mother’s Touch - Todd M. Katke

Mother’s Touch - Todd M. Katke


This weekly list of OPCC events, reminders, and news is compiled by Lori Moilanen. Please send information on upcoming events, news items, and corrections to This newsletter is currently published weekly on Sunday evenings. The deadline for new submissions for the following week is Friday at midnight.


With MTP Guest Editor Sally M. Harris

This week’s cover photo is Mother’s Touch by Todd M. Katke.

Todd is the real thing – a nature photographer who’d rather live in a cabin in the woods. Instead, he lives among us, sharing his stunning images, from macro photography to mountains and everything in-between. His work speaks to your heart, and makes you wonder, “Who is that man behind the camera?”

You may have seen him at the beach or on Hurricane Ridge. Todd’s hard to miss; tall and dressed for action; decked out in camouflage, and even on the hottest days he wears camo gloves. “Any movement of my hand may startle an animal,” he explains. When you stop to chat, he gives you a lesson on photography or on the subject he’s photographing. Todd joined OPCC two years ago.

Born in Plymouth Michigan, he bought his first camera at age 18, a Pentax K-1000. He studied photography at The Art Institute of Fort Lauderdale, and then moved to upper Michigan to embrace the world of nature photography. 

Todd lived in Willow, Alaska for eight years before moving to Sequim. His portfolio of images grew in number and diversity with every new adventure.

Todd journals his photos by date and place, which creates an event, like an arrival of a particular bird, to anticipate as the seasons change. He loves to motivate others, and he’s known to call a fellow photographer and say, “What are you doing inside? You’re missing all the action!” 

Photographers that inspire him are Carl Sams and Rod Plank.

Recent awards and publications include first place in the Olympic Peninsula Birdfest Photo Contest 2019Deer & Deer Hunting Magazine, the book Whitetail Intrigue, Lakeland Boating Magazine. He’s given talks at Audubon Society chapters and Kiwanis clubs, and taught students that have gone on to receive scholarships from NANPA and won photographic awards.

Todd is also a gifted wedding photographer, but he says he’s really a birder at heart. His current project however, includes deer: lots of deer! He recently moved to a home that’s located next to a “deer nursery.” He’s out in the field every day, capturing images of mother-fawn life.

Years ago, he wrote an artist statement that he lives by to this day:

“Nature is my classroom, and I strive to turn over every leaf, to photograph every subject that breathes in a natural environment, and to teach those who share a passion for the great outdoors as my teachers have taught me.”

Todd M. Katke

Todd M. Katke

Cedar Waxwing - Todd M. Katke

Cedar Waxwing - Todd M. Katke

Fall Maple leaves - Todd M. Katke

Fall Maple leaves - Todd M. Katke

Todd in Alaska

Todd in Alaska

Hurricane Ridge Mountains - Todd M. Katke

Hurricane Ridge Mountains - Todd M. Katke


Quote of the Week

Keep your love of nature, for that is the true way to understand art more and more.” – Vincent Van Gogh

Field Trip Leaders and Suggestions Needed

OPCC Field Trip Chair Sandy Woods is looking for more field trip ideas and leaders. Email Sandy at if you’d like to suggest a field idea or to volunteer to lead an outing.

Competition Chair Still Needed

If OPCC internal competitions are to resume, we will need one or more volunteer(s) to serve as the Competition Chair or as a Competition Committee member. To volunteer or request more information, contact OPCC President Bruce Fryxell (

August Member Share Night Slideshow Posted

From great Milky Way captures to artistic portraits of an elusive warbler, the slide show of August Member Share Night photos submitted by OPCC members has been posted on the OPCC website by OPCC Share Night Chair Susan White. Click HERE to visit the Member Share Night Gallery page.

Please Welcome Our Newest Member…

A warm welcome to Katharine Whitfield from Ocean Park WA. Plus, we’ve “recovered” member Gail Watson. We’re glad you’ve joined us!

NWCCC Announces a Third Fall 2021 Competition

The Northwest Council of Camera Clubs (NWCCC) has announced a third competition for Fall 2021: Digital Slideshow. The previously announced competitions are Individual Digital Image and Individual Prints. View the guidelines and rules for all three competitions on the NWCCC website by clicking HERE. Deadline for submissions is October 1, 2021. For more information on NWCCC or these competitions, contact our NWCCC Representative Rebecca Hanson (

Remember to Vote in the August Round of the NWCCC 2021 Traveling Digital Salon

This month we’re voting on images from the Tacoma Photographic Society. An email with voting instructions and a link to the ballot was sent on August 3. If you did not receive the voting email contact Lori Moilanen ( The deadline for voting is August 15.

Reminder - The OPCC Facebook Group Has Changed

The new OPCC Facebook Group is Olympic Peaks Camera Club-Current.. Click HERE to visit or join. This group is currently a private group for OPCC members only. For questions or help contact group administrator Peggy McClure (

You Be The Judge - NWCCC 2021 Traveling Digital Salon July Voting Results

In July, OPCC members voted for their five favorite images in the submission from the Olympia Camera Club. The top 6 images based on OPCC voting are shown below. Are your favorites there? Please note that some images are cropped in this view. To view all images submitted by the Olympia Camera Club in their full glory, click HERE.

First Place #605 Ocean Rising

First Place
#605 Ocean Rising

Second Place (Tie) #607 Chapel in Tetons

Second Place (Tie)
#607 Chapel in Tetons

Second Place (Tie) #618 Dismal Path

Second Place (Tie)
#618 Dismal Path

Third Place #615 Barred Owl

Third Place
#615 Barred Owl

Fourth Place (Tie) #604 Grandma’s Bouquet

Fourth Place (Tie)
#604 Grandma’s Bouquet

Fourth Place (Tie) #623 September Stream

Fourth Place (Tie)
#623 September Stream


Deadline for Voting on NWCCC Traveling Salon - Sunday, August 15 at Midnight

Cast your vote for your five favorite images from the Tacoma Photographic Society. An email with voting instructions and a link to the ballot was sent on August 3. If you did not receive the voting email contact Lori Moilanen (

Ruby Beach Landscape Astrophotography - Thursday, August 12 at 8:00 PM

Join Dan McKenna for an evening on the beach photographing the Milky Way and, if we are lucky, the Perseid meteor shower. It is supposed to be clear and hot during the day with the moon setting around 10:30 p.m. The tide is low at that time as well.

Please contact Dan if you plan to attend at 415-602-1621. For astrophotography, a fast (such as f/2.8 aperture or wider) wide-angle lens works great!

For full field trip details click HERE to visit the Field Trips Page on the OPCC Website.

Abstract Port Townsend Field Trip - Sunday, August 15 at 10:00 AM

Our Special Theme shooting assignment this month is Abstract Photography. Need to expand your abstract image portfolio? Come join Lori Moilanen, Bruce Fryxell, and other OPCC members on August 15 for an Art Wolfe-inspired field trip called Abstract Port Townsend - OPCC Style. This field trip is being scheduled to give members an opportunity to shoot for the Abstract Photography Share Night on September 2. We promise a couple of good abstract shooting locations, creative suggestions on request, and plenty of camaraderie.

We’ll meet at Fort Worden's famed Battery Kinzie, where there are almost unlimited opportunities for abstract photography of walls splashed with colorful paints, rusting metal, and geometric shapes in the weathered concrete structure.  The gathering place will be at the picnic tables at the edge of the parking lot.  Parts of the building are very dark, so a tripod or flash might be helpful.  Even a flashlight could be useful in navigating some of the darker areas.  Note that either a Discovery Pass ($30) or a Day Pass ($10) is required for vehicle access to Fort Worden.  For those who do not already have a Discovery Pass, these can be purchased on site at automated pay stations.

After sampling the possibilities at Fort Worden, we’ll move to either the Point Hudson Marina or the Port Townsend Boat Haven to explore the abstract reflections of the boats and nearby buildings in the water.  We’ll decide which site to visit depending on the weather conditions and the number of people.

Finally, there will be a post-field trip picnic (BYO) and wine tasting at Marrowstone Vineyards (423 Meade Rd, Nordland, WA) for those who are interested.  Directions are available from their website:  This winery is set in a beautiful location overlooking the water and produces some of the highest quality wines on the Olympic Peninsula.

For full field trip details click HERE to visit the Field Trips page on the OPCC website.


Visit the OPCC Website for more information on these events.

Member Share Night - Monthly Themes and More

For more information visit the Member Share Night page on the OPCC website. For questions, contact Share Night/Projection Chair Susan White at

Education Events

For more information visit the Education Events webpage on the OPCC Website. For questions or to suggest a speaker, contact OPCC Program Chair Ardythe Wendt at

Field Trips

For more information visit the Field Trips page on the OPCC website. For general questions contact Field Trips Chair Sandy Woods at


In Focus: August 16 - 22


In Focus: August 2 - 8