In Focus: August 2 - 8

Swift Exodus - by Sally Harris

Swift Exodus - by Sally Harris


This weekly list of OPCC events, reminders, and news is compiled by Lori Moilanen. Please send information on upcoming events, news items, and corrections to This newsletter is currently published weekly on Sunday evenings. The deadline for new submissions for the following week is Friday at midnight.


This week’s cover photo is the prize-winning image Swift Exodus by Sally Harris.

Sally moved to Sequim from Bellevue, WA, with her husband, two cats and a Canon AE1 in 1999. Seattle born, she lived in Edmonds, WA, and later in Bellevue, working 35 years in dentistry. She is the proud grandma of a 7 year old girl and 4 year old boy.

Sally was already a published poet and inspirational author when she started writing children’s books. Her book “The Caterpillar’s Dream” was one of the first kid’s Apps on iTunes, and Apple Computer used it for a worldwide advertising campaign. Fame is fleeting… but the ride is fun! Many people helped her succeed both as an author and photographer. One of her favorite sayings is, “When the student is ready, the master appears.” Sally translates this as meaning that our dreams can really come true.

Sally originally learned photography so she could photograph flowers for reference, because she wanted to paint like Georgia O’Keefe (that’s one dream she never achieved). Her first photography teacher was an 84 yearold woman whose enthusiasm taught her that photography was a hobby that could bring a lifetime of joy. Her grandad had a portrait studio in Bremerton and his work further inspired her. He hand painted slides of Montana in the 1940’s and colorized portraits.

Now a photographer for over 30 years, Sally had to let go of Fuji Velvia slide film to embrace the digital world. When she joined the OPCC in 2015, she was surrounded by kind and knowledgeable photographers, and attributes most of her accomplishments to a combination of their influence and her own determination and patience.  In 2016 and 2017 she was awarded Photographer of the Year in OPCC. She became interested in bird photography and gave a Backyard Bird Photography presentation to the club and began publishing her bird images in “Birds and Blooms Magazine,” local newspapers, and booksShe entered the Washington State Photographer’s Exhibition and won first place in nature two years in a row and Best of Show. The year she won Best of Show in the state, she also won Best of Show and first place in Clallam County Photographer’s Exhibit. Sally says that year was special because her mom had recently passed away, and the camaraderie of her photography friends helped her through that time. Getting the ribbons and acknowledgements was secondary to the joy of being involved with so many creative people. 

 In 2019, she decided to show her photos at the Sequim museum and asked professional photographers Sammy Catiis and Tim Hauf to join her. It was a challenge to be the first show in the new museum, but better with friends!  She’d reserved the museum for two months, but gave the camera club her second month so they could do a show. That was good timing, because soon everything was shut down for the pandemic.

Sally is currently shooting with a Nikon D7500 and uses a Tamron G2 150-600 mm for birds. She carries two camera bodies with assorted lenses wherever she goes. You can see her photography at and her books at

Sally Harris

Sally Harris

Sally in Action

Sally in Action

Duckling on Lilypad - Susan White

Duckling on Lilypad - Sally Harris

Spectacled Eider Grooming - Sally Harris

Spectacled Eider Grooming - Sally Harris

Steller’s Jays - Sally Harris

Steller’s Jays - Sally Harris

Swainson’s Hawk - Sally Harris

Swainson’s Hawk - Sally Harris


Quote of the Week

“The great geniuses are those who have kept their childlike spirit and have added to it breadth of vision and experience.” – Alfred Stieglitz

August Education Night Speaker Announced

Our August Education Night guest speaker on Thursday August 19 will be Sharon Tenenbaum, speaking on Architecture as Fine Art. Sharon is a civil engineer, educator, and internationally acclaimed professional fine art photographer from Vancouver, BC. For more information on Sharon and her art, visit the event listing on the Education Night webpage by clicking HERE.

Sharon Tenenbaum

Sharon Tenenbaum

Sharon Tenenbaum - Inside Out

Sharon Tenenbaum - Inside Out

Sharon Tenenbaum - Design Museum #8

Sharon Tenenbaum - Design Museum #8

Sharon Tenenbaum - Under the Bridge

Sharon Tenenbaum - Under the Bridge

Dog Daze - OPCC Field Trip Report

OPPC had it’s second in-person field trip of the year on Saturday July 31. We had a great turnout - at least 15 dog-loving OPCC members - for the Hurricane Ridge Kennel Club Dog Show at Carrie Blake Park. From pampered pooches to colorful handlers, there were plenty of subjects to photograph. Many thanks to Ellen Bogenshutz for organizing this fun outing.

Field Trip Participants are welcome to submit up to two images per person for the OPCC Dog Show field trip gallery. Please size and name the images according to instructions on the Member Share Night webpage. Send the images to Field Trip Chair Sandy Woods ( by Thursday August 12.

Love - Suzanne Anaya

Love - Suzanne Anaya

It’s All About the Hairdo - Sherrie Cerutti

It’s All About the Hairdo - Sherrie Cerutti

Diva - Lori Moilanen

Diva - Lori Moilanen

Think Pink - Lori Moilanen

Think Pink - Lori Moilanen

OPCC Field Trip Chair Sandy Woods is looking for more field trip ideas and leaders. Email Sandy at if you’d like to suggest a field idea or to volunteer to lead an outing.

Get Ready to Vote in the August Round of the NWCCC 2021 Traveling Digital Salon

This month we’re voting on images from the Tacoma Photographic Society. Watch for an email this week with voting instructions and a link to the ballot. If you do not receive the voting email by Wednesday August 4 contact

Reminder - The Existing OPCC Facebook Page will be deactivated on Wednesday August 4.

A new OPCC Facebook page called Olympic Peaks Camera Club-Current has been created for administrative reasons. If you’re a Facebook user and would like to participate, go to the new group page by clicking HERE and then click on the JOIN button. If you need assistance contact our much appreciated ***NEW*** OPCC Facebook administrator Peggy McClure (

The August Edition of the PSA Washington State Membership Newsletter is now available.

This edition includes links to information on the 2021 NWCCC Fall individual print and digital image competitions, Birdwatching Magazine photo contest, new equipment reviews and more. Click HERE to read or download.

Save the Date - Sunday, August 15 - for an Abstract Photography Outing

Our Special Theme shooting assignment this month - for presentation at the September 2 Member Share Night - is Abstract Photography. Pencil in Sunday August 15 at 11 AM for an OPCC Abstract Photography outing.

Bruce Fryxell and Lori Moilanen are organizing a new OPCC field trip called Abstract Port Townsend - OPCC Style, focussed on opportunities for making abstract images. They confess that they shamelessly borrowed the concept from legendary photographer and workshop leader Art Wolfe, who is leading a four-day “Abstract Port Townsend” retreat this month at a cost of about $1000/day, plus any personal expenses for food, lodging, and transportation. While we won’t have Art’s wisdom to inspire us, we won’t have the price tag either. We promise a couple of good shooting locations, plenty of camaraderie, and unlimited free opinions/advice from other OPCC members…PLUS a post-field trip picnic (BYO) and wine tasting at Marrowstone Vineyards for those who are interested. Details coming soon!

PW Abstract.jpg

Competition Chair Still Needed

The position of Competition Chair is still open, and we are looking for volunteers to fill it.    As the position is currently structured, the Competition Chair oversees any external competitions in which the club decides to participate, such as the NWCCC Traveling Digital Salon and the PSA Interclub Competition.

Although we are not currently conducting internal competitions, many members have expressed an interest in resuming them. We are currently considering a fun competition in the Fall of 2021 and resuming regular competition nights in alternate months in 2022. The OPCC Board is currently considering the best way to organize volunteers to support this goal. One suggestion is to create an OPCC Competition Committee to share the work load (e.g., finding judges, determining special themes, collecting and forwarding submissions, tracking results, etc.) among multiple people. Anyone considering volunteering is welcome to participate in these discussions.

If OPCC internal competitions are to resume, we will need a volunteer(s) to serve as the Competition Chair or as a Competition Committee member. To volunteer or request more information, contact OPCC President Bruce Fryxell (


Member Share Night - Thursday August 5 at 6:00 PM via Zoom

The monthly Special Theme is Astrophotography. For the meeting access code click HERE. For questions contact OPCC Member Share Night Chair Susan White at


Visit the OPCC Website for more information on these events.

Member Share Night - Monthly Themes and More

For more information visit the Member Share Night page on the OPCC website. For questions, contact Share Night/Projection Chair Susan White at

Education Events

For more information visit the Education Events webpage on the OPCC Website. For questions or to suggest a speaker, contact OPCC Program Chair Ardythe Wendt at

Field Trips

For more information visit the Field Trips page on the OPCC website. For general questions contact Field Trips Chair Sandy Woods at


In Focus: August 9 - 15


In Focus: July 26 - August 1