In Focus: October 4 - 17


Kayak Blur - Peg Hanson


This twice monthly list of OPCC events, reminders, and news is compiled by Lori Moilanen. Please send information on upcoming events, news items, and corrections to This newsletter is currently published twice monthly on Sunday evenings in advance of our first and third Thursday meetings. The deadline for new submissions for the following week is Friday at midnight.


With Sally M. Harris

Peggy Hanson didn’t fall far from the family apple tree. Both of her parents were artistically minded, her mom with art and her dad in photography. After service in the USAF, Peggy became a graphic artist and an illustrator. She enjoyed an exciting art career before moving to Sequim with her husband Jim. Her final job was with the Boeing Company, working as an illustrator, graphic artist and Technical Tools Team Leader for 17 years. 

Her retirement gift was a Nikon DSLR - just what she needed for her goal of combining art and nature using photography. Today’s gear includes a Nikon D500 and an Olympus OMD EM1X with a 200mm Lumix lens. 

The cover image Kayak Blur was captured years ago on Blake Island, WA. Just recently, though, she was inspired to super-charge it with a blur effect after attending Lewis Bennett’s educational presentation on using creative filters.

Her latest project is building a website to host and possibly sell her images. 

“Birds, wildlife and nature photography are my big interests now, but I do have a love of portraiture and street photography, and the new digital effects and filters have me jazzed,” says Peggy.

Peggy joined OPCC two years ago. She has served as the club president, and is currently serving on the nominating committee. She encourages all who can to volunteer for positions in the club. She’s also a member of PSA and  NANPA. 

 Her photographic awards include First Place, Bird Photography, Jay’s Bird Barn, Prescott, AZ, 2019; First Place, Nature Photographers of the Pacific Northwest (NPPNW), 2020; Third Place, Nature Photographers of the Pacific Northwest (NPPNW), 2020, Award of Merit; Photographic Society of America, Interclub Competition, PID International Group E, Round 3, Spring 2021; First Place, Sequim Gala Garden 2022 competition. 

Peggy’s also a TV star (well, the Anna’s hummingbirds she filmed are!) In February 2019, Peggy made a heartwarming video of a hummingbird trying to rescue another trapped one. The video and story was featured on King 5 and KOMO, MSNB and the WeatherChannel.

Peg Hanson

Peg Hanson

Messy Eater - Peg Hanson

Messy Eater - Peg Hanson

Pavoratti - Peg Hanson

Pavoratti - Peg Hanson

Peg Interacting with Street People

Peg Interacting with Street People

Star Wars - Peg Hanson

Star Wars - Peg Hanson

Postcard Edited in Topaz - Peg Hanson

Postcard Edited in Topaz - Peg Hanson

Fort Worden Abstract - Peg Hanson

Fort Worden Abstract - Peg Hanson

Sequim Demonstration Garden Artist - Peg Hanson

Sequim Demonstration Garden Artist - Peg Hanson



Quote of the Week

“All the technique in the world doesn’t compensate for the inability to notice.” Elliott Erwitt. In honor of the OPCC October Pet Portrait theme, check out his Dog Photography gallery by clicking HERE.

Newsletter Moves to Twice Monthly Schedule

The OPCC In Focus Newsletter is now moving to a twice monthly schedule and will be published to coincide with the weeks of our first and third Thursday meetings.

OPCC Planning Continues for 2022 - New Field Trip Chair Announced

More good news! Ellen Bogenschutz has volunteered to be our 2022 Field Trip Chair. All club positions are now covered for 2022. Many thanks to all who’ve volunteered for Board positions and to help the club in other ways. 2022 is shaping up to be a great year for OPCC.

OPCC Salmon Trap Field Trip Report

We had another great turnout for our recent visit to the Jimmy Come Lately Creek Salmon Counting station. While the photographers outnumbered the salmon, it was a great opportunity to learn about summer chum salmon and to visit with other club members in person. Scientific technician Cheri Scaif did a great job of explaining the history of the Jimmy Come Lately salmon run and the many variables that influence the number of salmon in the trap on any given day. A special welcome to new member Pat Warner who joined us for her first OPCC field trip. Many thanks to Peggy McClure for organizing this outing. Check out photos in the field trip gallery later this week.

Cheri with Male Chum Salmon - Susan White

Female Chum Salmon - Stephen Shoff

Female Chum Salmon - Stephen Shoff

Important Information for the OPCC October 21 Education Meeting

The login process for our Education Night Presentation by Steve Gettle differs from our usual routine. For this presentation you must pre-register with Steve to obtain the Zoom Code. Click HERE to view the presentation brochure and click HERE to register. The registration link for the Steve Gettle presentation is also available on the Zoom Codes page of the OPCC website. This presentation is open to non-members. Please feel free to share the registration link with any other photographers who might be interested.

Northwest Nature and Wildlife Photographers (NNWP) News

The Fall issue of NNWP Photographer E- Magazine is available for viewing and download here:

If you are interested in either being a Featured Photographer in a future issue of this magazine, or submitting an article about nature photography travel, general nature photography, or related topic, please send an email to Dan Clements ( The editors hope you will support this effort by sharing your photography and knowledge with others!

Nature Photographers of the Pacific Northwest (NPPNW) News

OPCC member Peg Hanson shared the following information about the NPPNW Fall meeting. NPPNW will hold its third virtual meeting on Saturday, November 6, with Canon Explorer of Light Darrell Gulin as the featured speaker.  The meeting will run from 9:00 a.m. until approximately noon.  They are planning for digital image competitions in the categories of Plant Life, Scenic, and Wildlife.  Details about the meeting, how to register and how to submit images will be available on about October 8.  The image submission deadline is October 23.  Visit the NPPNW website for the latest details.

In the meantime, NPPNW needs volunteer judges to help make this meeting become a reality. NPPNW will need three judges for each category of the digital print competitions:  Plant Life, Scenic, and Wildlife.  For this virtual event, the judging will occur in advance between the dates of October 25 and October 29.  Judges will be provided access to an online gallery of images, scoring guidelines, and a score sheet.  It is the practice of NPPNW that judges do not submit images for competition in the category or categories for which they are judging.  Please contact Mary Pinon at if you are willing to serve as a judge.


October Member Share Night - Thursday October 7 at 6:00 PM.

The final special monthly theme for 2021 is “Pet Portraits”. For information on Member Share Night visit the Member Share Night webpage of the OPCC website by clicking HERE.

NWCCC 2021 Traveling Salon October Round Voting Deadline - October 10.

The final round of voting for the Northwest Council of Camera Clubs (NWCCC) 2021 Traveling Digital Salon is now underway. This month we’re voting on 25 images from the f:67 Camera Club. The deadline for voting is October 10. An email with links and instructions for voting was sent out on October 1. If you did not receive the email and have checked your spam/junk mail folder, contact to receive voting information.

THE BASICS - Tips for Learning New Photography Skills

Decoding Digital Photography Terminology and Acronyms

Let’s face it…the terminology, acronyms, and jargon associated with digital photography can be confusing for seasoned as well as beginning photographers. Fortunately, there are some good resources online. Click HERE for a comprehensive online glossary provided by New York megastore B and H Photo. An online search for “digital photography terminology and definitions” will bring up other options.


Print Exhibit: Black & White Camera Works at Studio Bob in Port Angeles. Artist Reception October 9, 5:00 - 8:00 PM and October 10, Noon - 3:00 PM

Stop by one of the artists’ receptions to say hello and view the work of OPCC Member Share Chair Susan White, a featured photographer in this exhibit.


Print Exhibit: Ken Kennedy at the Blackbird Coffeehouse in Port Angeles.

Former OPCC Projectionist and behind-the-scenes technical consultant Ken Kennedy is exhibiting his prints at the Blackbird Coffeehouse (336 E. 8th Street) in Port Angeles through the month of October. Be sure to stop by to view his beautiful work.


Wildlife Photographer of the Year #57 Awards Ceremony - Online Event October 12, 20:00 BST (12 Noon PDT)

An international panel of experts has selected the best wildlife photography from over 50,000 entries from all around the world. Two OPCC members (Marian Bodart and Suzanne Anaya) had images that made it as far as the semi-finals of this prestigious competition! Visit the contest website for more information and to sign up for a link to view the online awards ceremony by clicking HERE.

A Commended Image from WPOTY #57

A Commended Image from WPOTY #57


Backyard Photography with Darrell Gulin - Online Event presented by Kitsap Photographic Guild (KPG) Meetup Group. October 21 at 7:00 PM.

From OPCC member Peg Hanson: The Kitsap Photographic Guild (KPG) Meetup Group presents: “”Backyard Photography with Darrell Gulin” via ZOOM on October 21st at 7 PM. Darrell is a Canon “Explorer of Light” and was an OPCC guest speaker earlier this year. Everyone is invited to join the meeting, but if you are not a member of the KPG Meetup Group, please RSVP so you can be sent the Zoom ticket for this meeting. Visit the Meetup Group website by clicking HERE.



Visit the OPCC Website for more information on these events.

Member Share Night - Monthly Themes and More

For more information visit the Member Share Night page on the OPCC website. For questions, contact Share Night/Projection Chair Susan White at

Education Events

For more information visit the Education Events webpage on the OPCC Website. For questions or to suggest a speaker, contact OPCC President Bruce Fryxell at


For more information visit the Competitions webpage on the OPCC website.

Field Trips

For more information visit the Field Trips page on the OPCC website. For general questions contact Field Trips Chair Sandy Woods at


In Focus: October 18 - 31


In Focus: September 27 - October 3