In Focus: July 19 - 25

Dungeness Bay Set Net - by Steve Jones

Dungeness Bay Set Net - by Steve Jones


This weekly list of OPCC events, reminders, and news is compiled by Lori Moilanen. Please send information on upcoming events, news items, and corrections to This newsletter is currently published weekly on Sunday evenings. The deadline for new submissions for the following week is Friday at midnight.


This week’s cover photo is Dungeness Bay Set Net by Steve Jones. This photo won first place in the Adult Photography category of the 2019 Peninsula College Tidepools Magazine photo contest.

Steve retired and moved to Sequim in 2015 and joined OPCC in 2016. Born in Colorado, Steve moved to Alaska in his late teens and went to the University of Alaska - Fairbanks to study Civil Engineering. Enjoying the outdoors, Steve gravitated to the specialty of Surveying and Mapping. While he continued to live in Alaska for 40 plus years, his work took him first all over Alaska, then "The Lower 48", and then to long term assignments in the Middle East, Africa, and South East Asia.

Steve has been interested in photography since his early teens. He started with a simple Exa II 35mm camera. After moving to Alaska, one of his mountain climbing buddies, who was an avid large format photographer, mentored Steve in acquiring and using a Linhof 4x5 view camera, which he still has. The other film cameras Steve used were Nikkormat and compact Rollei and Minox 35 mm cameras. After getting into digital photography about 10 years ago, Steve has been trying to learn Photoshop's secrets and has learned a lot from the OPCC group.

Since moving to Sequim, Steve has entered local photo contests and has won a few, including First Place in Adult Photography for the annual Peninsula College Tidepools Magazine icontest n 2019 and 2021.

Steve now shoots with a Sony RX-10, RX-100 and iPhone SE. With help from OPCC members, Steve continues to try to figure out how in the heck to use Photoshop.

1970s - Steve using his Linhof 4x5 view camera in Alaska

1970s - Steve using his Linhof 4x5 view camera in Alaska

Now - Steve on Graysmarsh Beach with his Sony RX-10

Now - Steve on Graysmarsh Beach with his Sony RX-10

Jamestown Canoe Landing 2018 - Steve Jones

Jamestown Canoe Landing 2018 - Steve Jones

Wooden Boat Center 2018 - Steve Jones

Wooden Boat Center 2018 - Steve Jones

Guerin Creek Horses - Steve Jones

Guerin Creek Horses - Steve Jones

Cline Spit Kayaker - Steve Jones (1st Place Adult Category 2021 Tidepools Magazine Photo Contest)

Cline Spit Kayaker - Steve Jones (1st Place Adult 2021 Tidepools Magazine Photo Contest)


Quote of the Week

The best camera is the one you have with you.” Chase Jarvis (A Steve Jones favorite quote!)

Topaz Studio 2 Course Concludes This Week - Video of Class 3 Now Available

OPCC member Bob Selby’s four-session class on Topaz Studio 2 wraps up this week. The video from the Week 3 class has been added to the Class Videos and Handouts page of the OPCC website, accessible by clicking HERE. Thanks to Bob for the considerable amount of time he took to organize and present this free class for the benefit of OPCC members. Contact Bob ( for more information or to register for the final class.

Copy of Witta Priester’s Education Night Presentation Now Available

A PDF version of Witta Priester’s presentation is available on the Education Night Videos and Handouts page of the OPCC website, accessible by clicking HERE. Thanks to Witta for her informative and inspiring presentation, and for sharing the slides from her talk.

New In-Person Dogtography Field Trip for July

Thanks to Ellen Bogenschutz for stepping up to lead a new “dogtography” field trip in July! Get a jumpstart on October’s special theme of “Pet Photography” by participating in this field trip to photograph the Hurricane Ridge Kennel Club dog show at Carrie Blake Park on July 31. For more information visit the Field Trips page of the OPCC website by clicking HERE.


OPCC Monthly Board Meeting via Zoom - Tuesday July 20, 2021 6:30 PM – 8:00 PM

OPCC’s monthly Board meeting is scheduled for Tuesday at 6:30 PM. All OPCC members are welcome to attend as observers. For more information on the OPCC Board, visit the Meet Your Board page of the OPCC website by clicking HERE.

Click HERE to access the Zoom Code for the meeting. For questions or to suggest an agenda item, contact OPCC President Bruce Fryxell (


Visit the OPCC Website for more information on these events.

Member Share Night - Monthly Themes and More

For more information visit the Member Share Night page on the OPCC website. For questions, contact Share Night/Projection Chair Susan White at

Field Trips

For more information visit the Field Trips page on the OPCC website. For general questions contact Field Trips Chair Sandy Woods at


For more information visit the Field Trips/Classes page on the OPCC website.


In Focus: July 26 - August 1


In Focus: July 12 - 18