In Focus: April 12 - 17

9 Pilings - Dan Hudgings

9 Pilings - Dan Hudgings


This weekly list of OPCC events, reminders, and news is compiled by Lori Moilanen. Please send information on upcoming events, news items, and corrections to This newsletter is currently published weekly on Sunday evenings. The deadline for new submissions for the following week is Friday at midnight.


This week’s cover photo is “9 Pilings” by Dan Hudgings. It was taken in Port Angeles Harbor. It is inspired by the Japanese images of Michael Kenna, using simple subjects and negative space.. 

Dan joined OPCC about 10 years ago at the urging of the late Jim Martin. Dan has had a camera since grade school, initially a Kodak Box Brownie, but was not at all a consistent shooter and thus developed slowly, if at all. He says the club has helped to correct that. 

Dan’s current gear includes a micro-4/3rds Panasonic GH2 camera, kit lens, 45mm macro lens, 7 to 14 mm wide angle lens, and an old and heavy Gitzo alloy tripod. The combination is good for use when hiking or travelling. His interest is in almost any outdoor subject. He says he has ample room for improvement, both technically and artistically.

With respect to inspiration, Dan has long admired the intimate landscapes of Elliott Porter and the elegant scenes of Michael Kenna.

Dan is currently the OPCC Refreshment Chair, a position he’s held for several years. We are all looking forward to the day when we can once again meet in person and enjoy the tasty treats he’s recruited other OPCC members. Dan says he’s enjoyed interacting with OPCC club members and wishes to thank you all.

Dan Hudgings on Location

Dan Hudgings on Location


Quote of the Week

““I often think of my work as visual haiku. It is an attempt to evoke and suggest through as few elements as possible rather than to describe with tremendous detail.” – Michael Kenna

Reminder - Voting for Round 2 of the NWCCC 2021 Traveling Digital Salon Closes April 15.

It’s time to vote for Round 2 of the Northwest Council of Camera Clubs (NWCCC) Traveling Digital Salon. This month we’re voting on 23 images from the Bellingham Photography Club. An email with voting instructions was sent on Friday April 2. Please contact if you didn’t receive that email. Last day to vote is April 15.

A Message from OPCC President Jonas Benjamins on the April 20 Board Meeting

The next OPCC Executive Committee Board Meeting is scheduled for Tuesday April 20 at 6:30 PM via Zoom. All the OPCC Committee Chairs will have an opportunity to discuss, old and new business, make motions for changes in the rules, and other important things that we will decide on as a team.  The link to join this meeting is available on the OPCC Website Zoom Codes webpage by clicking HERE.

The full membership is invited to observe and will have an opportunity to ask questions before the meeting is adjourned. 

Please provide me with topics of discussion, concerns you have, and new and old ideas on making us a better club. Email can be sent to me at Thank you all for doing a great job and helping me. 

Reminder - Share Your Ideas for In-Person Field Trips!

As Clallam County has moved into COVID Phase 3, it’s possible that OPCC may be able to schedule in-person outdoor field trips in the not-too-distant future. The feasibility of doing this will be discussed at the next OPCC Executive Committee meeting on April 20. In the meantime, OPCC Field Trip Chair Sandy Woods would like to collect ideas for local field trips that could be conducted in accordance with current COVID health and safety recommendations, so that we’re ready to go whenever the decision is made to resume in-person field trips.

If you have an idea for and/or would like to lead a field trip when the time comes, please contact Sandy at

A Warm Welcome to Our Newest Members…

Please welcome our newest family membership, Allan and Judy Byrd of Sequim.

PSA Projected Image Division Inter-Club Competition - April Round Selections Announced

OPCC PSA Liaison Witta Priester and OPCC President Jonas Benjamins have announced the second set of selections for the Photographic Society of America (PSA) Projected Image Division Inter-Club Competition entry for our club.

A total of 45 photos were submitted by OPCC members and independently judged by 3 outside judges, resulting in a selection of 18 photos that will be entered into the PSA competition. These 18 photos were sorted into 3 sets of six photos. Each set will be submitted into a different round of the competition: a January make-up round in April; the regular April round, and the November round. Thanks to all members who submitted their work for this competition and congratulations to OPCC members Colleen Bittner, Marian Bodart, Bruce Fryxell, Tim O’Neill, Mary Swartz, and Witta Priester, whose images were selected for the April round.

The January Make-Up and April image selections are also posted on the OPCC Website Competition Galleries webpage, accessible by clicking HERE.

PSA Inter-Club Competition Entry - April Round


Education Night - Thursday April 15 at 6:00 PM via Zoom. “Ready, Set, PRINT” with Keith Ross

To access the meeting, use the Third Thursday Zoom code available on the OPCC website Zoom Codes page, accessible by clicking HERE.


Keith Ross moved to Sequim in 2015 and has spent the last several years investing himself fully into all aspects of photography including printing, framing and teaching. His Zoom presentation will focus on how to prepare an image for print.

Keith’s bio statement

Keith’s website


Member Share Night - Monthly Themes and More

CLICK ON THE IMAGE OR THEME TITLE BELOW FOR ADDITIONAL INFORMATION. For questions, contact Share Night/Projection Chair Susan White at

Virtual Field Trips

There are currently two Virtual Field Trips in progress. CLICK ON AN IMAGE OR FIELD TRIP TITLE FOR ADDITIONAL INFORMATION. For questions or to suggest a new Virtual Field Trip idea contact Sandra Woods (


In Focus: April 19 - 25


In Focus: April 5 - 11