In Focus: March 1 - 7

Photo Credit: Marian Bodart

Photo Credit: Marian Bodart


This weekly list of OPCC events, reminders, and news is compiled by Lori Moilanen. Please send information on upcoming events, news items, and corrections to This newsletter is currently published weekly on Sunday evenings. The deadline for new submissions for the following week is Friday at midnight.


This week’s cover photo is “Evening Poppy” taken by Marian Bodart. It was taken last summer, in her front yard in Port Angeles when the light was gorgeous and soft

 Marian was born and raised on the West Coast. She grew up spending as much time as possible outside, from adventuring in the Sierra Nevada Mountains to summers on her father’s salmon fishing boat. When she was in her 20s, she left this time zone to work in Washington DC for a large Federal agency. Many years later she and her husband (in her own words) came to their senses, retired and moved back to the West. 

Marian has been fascinated by photography her entire life; she was a photography major in college for several years, before she moved on to something more 'reasonable'. About 10 years ago she began to seriously pursue photography as art. She leans toward nature photography, although she’s fascinated by all forms.  She finds herself being less focused on technology and more intrigued by interesting light and shapes. She considers photography both challenging (OK, at times frustrating) and rewarding. She loves the experience of finding a beautiful scene and mastering the camera to interpret what she sees.  She’s been a member of OPCC since 2016.

Now living in Port Angeles with husband and OPCC member Michel Bodart, she divides her time between working for the City of Port Angeles, walking their two Great Danes (Fred and Mabel), tending their flower and vegetable gardens and wandering throughout the Northwest with her camera, exploring the beautiful landscape and all that makes it special.

Marian’s award-winning photos have been printed in magazines, calendars and notecards. Some of her images can be seen at the Blackbird Coffeehouse in Port Angeles, during the month of March

 You can see more of her work at:

Marian Bodart  Photo Credit: Michel Bodart

Marian Bodart
Photo Credit: Michel Bodart



Quote of the Week

"I began to realize that the camera sees the world differently than the human eye and that sometimes those differences can make a photograph more powerful than what you actually observed." - Galen Rowell

First Ever Virtual Field Trip Meeting a Success

The COVID-19 pandemic has inspired some creative club programming to keep members connected until we can once again meet in person. On February 25, OPCC Field Trip Chair Sandy Woods hosted a special “Birds of the Spit” Virtual Field Trip Zoom meeting - an OPCC first. Twenty members attended and viewed images of local bird species submitted by club photographers. It was a very relaxed and enjoyable evening of sharing. Great job Sandy!

OPCC Bird/Wildlife Photography Focus Group Under Discussion

A topic of discussion at the end of the Birds of the Spit meeting last week was whether there’s enough interest in bird and wildlife photography within OPCC to create a focus group for this genre of photography. The purpose of the focus group would be to provide field trips, training, mentoring, and information exchange among club members interested in bird and wildlife photography. This will be a continuing conversation - watch for an update in a few weeks. Contact Sandy Woods ( to express your interest and/or share ideas.

Open Board Position - Volunteer Needed

OPCC President Peg Hanson has announced that a new “Photo Share Chair” is needed to replace Susan White, who has resigned. According to the OPCC job description, the Photo Share Chair shall be responsible for the collection, organization, OPCC cloud-based storage, and presentation of member photo submissions for OPCC slideshow sharing. The Chair will help members to resize their images for presentation, work with the website team to supply content for the club’s image sharing page and coordinate with the Field Trip Chair to supply links to theme-based, copyright-free content in support of OPCC Field Trip themes and Special Topics. Please reply to Peg at if interested in volunteering.

Many thanks to Susan White for her efforts over the past six months, including pioneering the new 2021 Member Share Night concept, developing the 2021 list of monthly special themes, and finding educational materials for the new OPCC website to engage members in the special themes. She will also host the upcoming March 4 Live Image Review with special guest Jeanne Scott. These contributions are much appreciated!

OPCC Monthly Reports Posted

A summary document containing the February OPCC Board Member Reports has been posted on the OPCC Club Business webpage.

New Members

OPCC extends a warm welcome to our newest family membership, Alicia Amerson and Ben VanderGriend, our 69th and 70th members. We look forward to getting to know you!

Congratulations to…

Lori Moilanen recently had several prints in the “Belwin Conservancy at 50 Years” exhibit at the Phipps Center for the Arts in Hudson WI. Her exhibited work was created as part of a club conservation photography project that she organized while a member of the Western Wisconsin Photography Club, prior to retiring in Sequim.


Member Share Night - Special Live Review with Jeanne Scott

Please join us for a special event on Thursday March 4 at 6:00 PM via Zoom. Visit the OPCC Website Zoom Codes webpage for Share Nights - First Thursday meeting access information.

Jeanne Scott, a resident of Palm Springs, California, is president of the Coachella Valley Desert Camera Club. She has judged for local clubs, the Southern California Council of Camera Clubs, and for PSA. She loves it all, but has a particular fondness for night photography.

She will review 24 images submitted by OPCC members in real time.

Jeanne Scott

Jeanne Scott


Deadline - Image Submission for PSA Inter-Club Open Competition - Monday, March 8

Plan now to submit your images for consideration as part of the OPCC entry for this competition - the deadline is coming up soon. Full instructions for submitting photos are available on the PSA inter-Club Competition event page on the OPCC Website.

For more information on this competition or submitting images for it, contact Jonas Benjamins (

New Month, New Special Theme - Moving Water

With an abundance of waterfalls, rivers, streams, and beaches, the Olympic Peninsula offers endless possibilities for photographing moving water.

There are many ways to photograph moving water. This can be a great opportunity to practice the effects of changing shutter speed on a specific image, as well as understanding the interrelationship between shutter speed, ISO setting, and aperture.

Share your Moving Water images at the April 1 OPCC Member Share Night. For more information and a helpful video, visit the April Member Share Night webpage.


Member Share Night - Monthly Themes and More

CLICK ON THE IMAGE OR THEME TITLE BELOW FOR ADDITIONAL INFORMATION. For questions, contact Share Night/Projection Chair Susan White at

Virtual Field Trips

There is currently one Virtual Field Trip in progress. CLICK ON AN IMAGE OR FIELD TRIP TITLE FOR ADDITIONAL INFORMATION. For questions or to suggest a new Virtual Field Trip idea contact Sandra Woods (

External Competition Opportunities

CLICK ON AN IMAGE OR EVENT TITLE FOR ADDITIONAL INFORMATION. For questions or to suggest a new competition or juried exhibition opportunity contact Competition Chair Suzanne Anaya (


In Focus: March 8 - 14


In Focus: February 22-28