In Focus February 1-7

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This weekly list of OPCC events, reminders, and news is compiled by Lori Moilanen. Please send information on upcoming events, news items, and corrections to This newsletter is currently published weekly on Sunday evenings. The deadline for new submissions for the following week is Friday at midnight.


Returns next week!


From OPCC President Peggy Hanson

LOGO DESIGN CONTEST - A sincere thank you to everyone who submitted a logo design for the competition. Although the board chose the logo you now see on our website, every entry was greatly appreciated and that’s why we have decided to share them all with the rest of the members. We had entries from four of our board members, one from a general member, and the winning entry from a member who chooses to remain anonymous. You can view the entries here on Google Photos.

NEW OPCC BUSINESS CARDS arrived today, complete with the new website address, a new QR code which can help you easily access our website from your Smart Phone, and of course, the new logo. Cards will be distributed to all of you via an upcoming "Field Trip", where we will place them in envelopes at a predetermined location and you’ll be able to get yours there…details will be forthcoming. Please share the cards with any others who may be interested in joining! The logo will also be available for print on sweatshirts, teeshirts and other products in the near future. All proceeds will help to pay the bills this year and bring in new high quality speakers.

OPCC RECENT SURVEY - Again, a sincere thank you from me and the board for responding to the survey! I think we can all agree that the new technology helped to make answering it a much easier task then handwriting your responses, or entering them in a Word document! Many, many thanks to Lori Moilanen and Colleen Bittner for their endless hours of work on this and the website. We are fortunate to have them on our team!

SURVEY RESULTS - The survey results have now been posted on the Club Business webpage for your review. The board members and I have gone through them and will be sharing our opinions of the results with you very soon. We captured a good deal of information from all of you and as promised, we hope to make it work for you!

VOLUNTEER! - One very obvious response from the survey shows that our members are happy to volunteer their talents and expertise, and that’s just what we need now! If you’re interested in providing a presentation on any topic related to photography, please contact me at Or if you’re interested in serving in any other capacity, we welcome you with open arms!

BYLAWS AND JOB DESCRIPTIONS - The latest draft of the OPCC bylaws is now on the Club Business webpage for your review. After the board members vote on them, we’ll be asking you to do the same, so PLEASE review them ASAP. Your input is valuable to all of us and you really want to be an informed voter, correct? In addition, the job descriptions for OPCC Board members have been updated.

Other New OPCC Website Content

OPCC General Meeting minutes, Board Meeting minutes, and Board Member Monthly Reports have been added to the OPCC Club Business webpage.

A new “Donate” button has been added to the OPCC Membership page. This will allow members to voluntarily sponsor the honorarium for a specific guest speaker or donate to a general OPCC Speakers Fund.

Mike Shaw - What to Shoot in the Night Sky 2021

A number of OPCC members attended the free webinar “What to Photograph in the Night Sky this Year - Plan Your 2021 Night Photography Projects!“ given by our upcoming March 2021 guest speaker Mike Shaw. Mike shared a handy calendar/guide for shooting objects in the night sky with webinar attendees. This guide has been posted with Mike’s permission on our Member Share Night webpage under the Astrophotography theme.

New Month - New Special Theme

The new Special Theme is “Still Life”. Use your imagination to create still life photos for live review and editing by special guest Jeanne Scott at the March 4 meeting (details on the OPCC Member Share webpage) or to share in other ways. The previous Special Theme was “Night Photography”. Be sure to attend the February 4 General Membership/Share Night Meeting (via Zoom) to see OPCC member photos inspired by last month’s Night Photography Theme and the Virtual Field Trip “City Lights.” For questions, contact Share Night/Projection Chair Susan White at

Update on NWCCC “Digital Salon” Competition Opportunity

The rules are shaping up for the competitive NWCCC “Digital Salon” announced in last week’s In Focus and on the OPCC Competition webpage.  Our NWCCC liaison Rebecca Hanson reports that there’s been a great response from NWCCC member clubs.  A total of 25 images per club will be submitted monthly for the duration of the competition (currently still under consideration).  Members who wish to contribute to the OPCC submission may submit up to four images per person.  Visit the OPCC Competition webpage for information on naming, sizing, and submitting your photos.  Contact Competition Chair Suzanne Anaya ( for any questions on this opportunity. - Free Access Through the North Olympic Peaks Library System (NOLS).

OPCC member Kelly Hagood shared some good information about another free educational opportunity. has hundreds to thousands of video classes on all aspects of photography that are produced by professional photographers. These would normally cost $20-30 per month to access. However, NOLS library card holders can access Lynda for free through the local library. Just go to the educational page of the library, find and get started. The beautiful thing about is there are no annoying emails asking you to buy more classes.


February 4 Member Share Night.

Be sure to attend this week’s General Membership/Member Share Night on Thursday February 4 at 6:00 PM via Zoom. Member Share Night Chair Susan White reports an excellent response from OPCC members for the first member share night of 2021, with more than 30 images submitted for sharing and/or critique. Pour yourself a mug or glass of your favorite beverage, find a comfortable chair, and join us in viewing the work of other OPCC members.

The meeting access code is available on the OPCC Zoom Codes webpage.


Member Share Night - Monthly Themes and More

CLICK ON THE IMAGE OR THEME TITLE BELOW FOR ADDITIONAL INFORMATION. For questions, contact Share Night/Projection Chair Susan White at

Virtual Field Trips

There is currently one Virtual Field Trip in progress. CLICK ON AN IMAGE OR FIELD TRIP TITLE FOR ADDITIONAL INFORMATION. For questions or to suggest a new Virtual Field Trip idea contact Sandra Woods (

Competition Opportunities

CLICK ON AN IMAGE OR EVENT TITLE FOR ADDITIONAL INFORMATION. For questions or to suggest a new competition or juried exhibition opportunity contact Competition Chair Suzanne Anaya (


In Focus February 8-14


In Focus January 25-31