In Focus: Winter Wonderland Edition


This twice monthly list of OPCC events, reminders, and news is compiled by Lori Moilanen. Please send information on upcoming events, news items, and corrections to This newsletter is currently published twice monthly on Sunday evenings in advance of our first and third Thursday meetings. The deadline for new submissions for the next newsletter is Friday December 31.


Here’s some late-breaking news, plus some reminders that we wanted to share before the next scheduled newsletter.

President’s Message from Bruce Fryxell - New Member Share Night Chair Needed

Susan White has decided to step down from her position as Member Share Chair. We would like to thank Susan for all of the time and effort she devoted to OPCC over the past year. The position of Member Share Chair is now vacant and we would like to fill it at soon as possible. Much of the job has been recently automated, so the amount of work involved should be much less than in the past. If you would like to volunteer, please contact me at

Online Membership Renewal is Live - Renew Your OPCC Membership by January 31

Please visit the OPCC website to join or renew your OPCC membership for 2022 online. Click HERE to access the webpage for joining or renewing.

Alternatively, you can access the instructions for joining or renewing online or by mail by either clicking on the Join/Renew button in the “Who We Are” section or clicking on “Join” in the menu ribbon at the top of the page.

The deadline for membership renewal is January 31. The OPCC Member password for accessing member-only content on the website will change on February 1.

OPCC Membership dues for 2022 were discussed and approved at the December 6 Year-End meeting. The membership-approved dues for 2022 are $50 for an individual membership and $75 for a same-household family membership. These are the same dues levels previously approved for 2020, prior to the onset of the COVID pandemic.

For a preview of 2022 activities, visit the OPCC website homepage and scroll down to the “Coming in 2022” section. For questions or comments on 2022 dues and activities, contact OPCC President Bruce Fryxell (

New Print Exhibition Opportunity - Studio Bob in Port Angeles

From OPCC Vice President Marian Bodart: Bob Stokes, the owner of Studio Bob in PA has announced the annual BYOA (Bring Your Own Art) show during the month of January. This is a fun way to participate in the local art scene and get your work viewed. Art will be on display through the month of January.

Here are the details:

Studio Bob: 118-1/2 E Front, PA
Drop off: January 3 or 4 from 11:00 AM - 6:00 PM.
Fee: $5 per item, no commission is paid to the studio

Artist Reception: January 8 from 5:00 PM - 8:00 PM, January 9 from 12:00 noon - 3:00 PM.


Guest Speaker: Internationally Acclaimed Wildlife and Nature Photographer Jagdeep Rajput - Tuesday December 28 at 7:00 PM via Zoom.

Join members of the Olympia Camera Club and OPCC for an impressive presentation of wildlife and nature photographs by Jagdeep Rajput. Sponsored by the Olympia Camera Club. Jagdeep Pajput is an internationally acclaimed nature and wildlife photographer from India. His photographs have been widely featured in prestigious publications, museums and art galleries around the world. He is also a Canon EOS Brand Ambassador and a Wildlife Moderator & editor at Nature Photographers Network (NPN) USA.

OPCC members can access this meeting using the Olympia Camera Club Meetings zoom code on the OPCC Zoom Codes webpage.

View Jagdeep’s awards by clicking HERE.
View Jagdeep’s website by clicking HERE.

Photo Submission Deadline for OPCC January 6 Member Share Night - Thursday December 30 at 11:00 PM

Important Reminder - all photos must be formatted using the ***new*** format for 2022 and submitted using the Member Share Night Dropbox upload link on the OPCC website. For an overview of the new process, visit the OPCC Member Share Night webpage by clicking HERE. For questions contact OPCC Competition Chair Peggy McClure (

Reminder - New Print Exhibit by OPCC Members Coming Monday, January 3

The OPCC presence at the Blackbird Coffeehouse in Port Angeles continues in the month of January. Our new Field Trip Chair Ellen Bogenschutz and OPCC Print Chair Dan McKenna will be sharing the space and showing their unique works with a variety of themes. Installation day will be the morning of Monday, January 3, 2022. The show will run the whole month of January and all images will be for sale. Stop by at your leisure to view their work and enjoy a cup of coffee. Blackbird Coffeehouse address: 336 East 8th Street, Port Angeles.


In Focus: January 3 - 16


In Focus: December 13 - January 2